Construction Lien Services

Miller, Ross & Goldman has been the recognized leader in the field of commercial collections on past-due A/R for the Construction Industry for over 25 years. Our clients include construction suppliers, equipment rental companies, engineers, architects, general contractors and sub-contractors in virtually every trade specialty. Our firm’s Construction Industry collections team utilizes over a century of combined strategic expertise focused at ensuring our Clients get paid, even when unfortunate project circumstances result in heavy losses for others.


Our “Lien Services Plus” process will secure our Client's financial interests on projects when unpaid invoice balances are $25k and up. As our Client, you will pay ZERO UP-FRONT COSTS for our construction team to handle your company's preliminary lien notices and lien filings. Our contingency fee is just 10% of actual recovered funds, payable ONLY AFTER your company has been paid.

It's important to note that our "Lien Services Plus" process is a "Pre-Collect" assignment, rather than a standard collection assignment. What is "Pre-Collect"? “Pre-Collect” means that payment isn’t technically due yet, so NO collection efforts are undertaken on your company’s behalf. However, that certainly doesn’t mean we sit still; ON THE CONTRARY! There is a tremendous “to-do” list of preparatory work and ongoing due-diligence to ensure your company’s financial interests on construction projects are secured, protected and monitored, all free of any premature collection efforts.

So, what’s the benefit of our “Lien Services Plus” on Pre-Collect Assignments? In a word, HUGE! Because once engaged, our team instantly becomes your company’s back-office support for:

  • Project Lien Administration
  • Project Information Research
  • Financial Risk Mitigation
  • Contract Change-Order Due-Diligence
  • Acquisition Monitoring and Impact Analysis
  • Lawsuit Monitoring and Impact Analysis
  • Bankruptcy Monitoring and Impact Analysis
  • Project Progress Intervention and Informal Mediation

The above list represents crucial due-diligence that is almost NEVER undertaken on more than 90% of commercial construction projects, yet collectively represents close to 100% of the reasons for partial, substantial or total monetary project losses that could have been avoided.

Don't Wait, Get Paid!
B2B (Business-to-Business) Debts Only
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We can't stress enough: FILING A CONSTRUCTION LIEN IS IMPORTANT, but is just one piece of a very large puzzle once problematic project issues arise, as they often do. If you’d like to chat with an expert about any particular construction project situation, please call us.
(888) 275-6900

Otherwise, please click the button above to submit your “Lien Services Plus” Assignment now. We'll confirm receipt and get to work for your construction company immediately.

Contact us today to receive the industry’s most consistently exceptional performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Pre-Collect Assignment?
Does my business qualify for your construction lien services?
Why should I use your construction lien services?